Vesico vaginal fistula
Disaster for women.
According to UNFPA estimates (2003) worldwide more than 2 million women suffer from obstetric fistula. The most common cause is prolonged labor cutting off the blood flow to the sof tissues between the baby’s head and the pelvic wall, resulting in fistula between the bladder and vagina and/or between the rectum and vagina. Mothers with a fistula constantly lose urine and/or faeces and are often rejected by their family/community. By using the Overtoom balloons to guide the urine straight from the kidneys to the urethra, in combination with a certain Foley catheter (intra-urethral or suprapubic) can get the bladder completely dry for as long is necessary to let the area of the fistula operation heal, without the caustic effects of the urine. This may well improve the results of the fistula surgery.
Bladder bypass
Position of the balloons as kidney blockers in the ureter on both sides to bypass the bladder for the urine flow: